Experiment of filtering resistance and pulse-jet dust-cleaning of standard type cartridge filters

Ju Min, Chen Haiyan, Zhang Mingxing, Zheng Juan, Zhang Qing


Compares the resistance of filters with bottom/side dust air inlets, and the resistance of horizontal/vertical cartridge filters installed and tests the peak positive pressure inside the filters with different types of nozzles. The results show that the resistance of cartridge filter with bottom dust air inlet is greater, that the horizontal filtering cartridge cannot remove dust effectively from the top surface of the filter, therefore its resistance after dust-cleaning is greater than that of the vertical one, and that the order of dust separation is from top to bottom of the cartridge in turn, suggesting that adopting induce nozzles can obtain a better flow distribution inside the cartridge filter, solving the dust-cleaning problem of the upper cartridge, improving the dust-cleaning efficiency and increasing the service life of the filtering cartridge.